On-line giving is a convenient tool for folks who call Providence home. If you are more comfortable giving on Sunday, don't worry, we just want to give you another option. Giving online is a personal preference, but here are a few of the benefits we hear frequently:
It's a step of faith...deciding in advance to give faithfully.
It helps simplify life.
It allows you to give consistently...even when you're not at church.
It allows you to focus on the service when you're at church.
Faith Based Giving
Giving to Cause God Joy at Providence is based on faith alone. We do not have an annual pledge drive or pledge cards or commitment letters. Instead, we believe that every person will give according to what he or she feels that God has done for him. We promote tithing, which is giving 10% of your income, but some people give more and many give less. Most Providence members contribute considerable time and energy to our church in addition to money.
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap."
(Luke 6:38)